Industrial Training - The Best for Less

Defect Elimination


The Accuracy Controlled Enterprise

By Mike Sondalni


"Defect elimination while writing SOP's."

ace - failure engineering for your quality control circle

ACE EBook Sample - Contents

The Accuracy Controlled Enterprise EBook
ESBN: F36-048C-2327-18Q0

"Adding defect elimination when writing SOP's stops quality defects and guarantees real
process improvement"


(Use this 'secret' quality management training in your quality control circle.)


Successful defect elimination should be automatic in your Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) writing. If you want zero quality defects and certain process improvement the "Accuracy Controlled Enterprise" eBook shows you exactly how to do that when writing SOPs. SOP development focused on defect elimination is an additional weapon in the failure engineering armory.


You can now take quality process management a step higher by making accuracy control one of your quality methodologies. Quality defects can be stopped by intentionally introducing "target, tolerance, test" defect elimination in your procedure writing. It is an excellent total quality management tool that every quality control circle should be using because it is such a simple and certain way to stop quality defects.


Simply by adding the "three-T's" of defect elimination while writing SOP's you make defect elimination the first of the quality methodologies you imbed in SOP development and procedure writing for the total quality management training that leads to outstanding process improvement.


Download the ACE EBook and start defect elimination while writing SOP's Today!


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Price:  US$19.95  (37 pages)

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction

  • Failure Prevention and Defect Elimination

    • Defect and Failure Creation

    • Defect and Failure Management

    • Defect and Failure Elimination

  • Controlling Accuracy - Removing Error

    • Accuracy Control - The Purpose of Targets in Operating Procedures

      • The Need for Tolerances in Procedures

  • The Accuracy Controlled Enterprise (ACE)

    • Developing ACE Procedures

      • Easily Definable Standards and Measures

      • Difficult to Define Standards and Measures

      • Handling Procedural Non-Conformances

    • Extra Benefits of Being an ACE

      • Far Fewer Downstream Problems

      • Less Expensive to the Operation

      • Better, Faster Training In-built

      • Less Highly Skilled Employees Needed for Less Cost

  • Raising Standards - Intentionally Improving Skills

    • Systematize the Learning Process

      • Develop Training Plans for Each Person

    • The Importance of Raising Standards

      • The Cost of Poorly Written Standard Operating Procedures

      • The Best SOPs Can Be Done By The Least Skilled People

      • Train and Retrain Your People to Your Standard Operating Procedures

      • Focus becomes Improving the System Performance

  • The Power of Visual Control Measures

    • Visual Control Measures for Continuous Processes


  • Understanding Elite Performers in Population Distributions

  • The Curse of Being an Average Business

  • Getting More Than Average Performance

  • Why Teams Outperform

  • Implications for Managing Organizations

 Price:  US$19.95


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Related Titles: 

"Employee Training and Development with SOP"

"Maintenance Policy and Procedures Manual"

"Operating Procedures for Process Plants"

"Defect and Failure True Cost"

"The True Downtime cost analysis - 2nd edition"


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